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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Online Conjoint Analysis: The faster, the worse?
Year 2006
Access date 21.09.2006
Abstract Conjoint Analysis has been established as a method of market research in the field of online studies. Due to the difficulty of the task (judgment/comparison of multiattributive stimuli) and the number of judgments required by the respondent, this method places high demands on the respondent. In online surveys which are “anonymous” interview situations this can easily lead to a decreasing motivation to complete the questionnaire. In this case clicking through or drop outs result. Shorter response times at the end of Conjoint Analysis can be an indicator of decreasing motivation (“fatigue”) as well as an indicator of increasing familiarity with the task. It is necessary to resolve whether shorter response times go along with a lower reliability and a lower validity of the results. For this reason data of several Online Conjoint Analyses have been analysed and corresponding measures of reliability and validity have been derived. The results do not only provide an answer to the question whether the phenomenon of shorter response times arises from practice or from fatigue, but also gives a first hint to the question how many judgments can be made by the respondent.
Access/Direct link Conference homepage (abstract)
Year of publication2006
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - 2006 (98)

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